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A man awakens from a horrible nightmare of being chased, but the nightmare is only beginning. As the story unfolds he realizes he has no memory of a previous life, whatsoever. He can't remember his name, he has no possessions on him and shockingly discovers he is actually now a woman. This is the story of his unraveling this mystery.

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    Julie showed me how to blow dry my hair, making it appear tousled but not messy, then flip it over my head to apply a light mist of hairspray. Then a few quick turns of a curling iron, break up the curls with your fingers, brush lightly where needed and voila! I looked amazing.

    Julie then introduced me to the mysterious world of women's makeup. She presented each tube and jar of coloured cream, powder and wax, demonstrating their use, allowing me to try for my self, until it was committed to memory and all that was needed was practice. Julie finished up every step, with the touches you expect from a professional beautician.

    Did I say I looked amazing before? Amazing was just the beginning. I was stunned at the transition. I hadn't felt this good about myself in months. The girl in the mirror was everything I wanted to be. Pity I'd dressed like such a slouch this morning.