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Mags Inc Novelette Story Cover
In part 3, adult married man Robin's feminization continues as he is forced to enroll in an LGBT high school as a transgender teenager. How far can his wife, sister and therapist force him to go. How far does he want it to go?
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    In addition to the hormones feminizing my body, I was eventually started on corset training to permanently slim my waist. I was provided with the satin corset in modeling class to help with my posture and had to wear it all day at school, until my posture improved. A number of the 'boys' wore them. It took about a half inch off of my waist. Once it became comfortable I was given another smaller one, and so on. So over time, the corset actually bent in my ribs so my waist was permanently changed and feminized. I lost about inches. And of course as my waist slimmed I simply adjusted my clothes in sewing class, and took in my pants at home. Eventually all my lingerie, my girdle and the rest were actually fitting me more comfortably as my figure was changed. My wife of course noticed the changes and commented. She thought it was all due to the small amount of hormones she was having me take, and of course she had to by me more lingerie that would fit myt feminizing figure.