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Transformation is the premier magazine informing and celebrating the transgender world. If you aren't familiar with this magazine, pick one up today!

This is not a paper copy, which are no longer available. 17 MB download!

  • Where Kings and Queens Reign
  • The Incredible Life of Jeri Lee
  • Kelly Clare - "Kinky is Just One Word to Describe Me"
  • And Lots More!
Price: $10.00

    Item #: TFM89e
    Availability: In Stock
    Usually ships In 1 day - eBooks Immediately Available from Email Links

    Forced Womanhood was published by Centurian Publishing. This Magazine is devoted to the enslavement, transformation and chastisement of men. All the stories are heaviy illustrated with photos and drawings.

    This is not a paper copy, which are no longer available. 17 MB download!