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Reluctant Press Her TV stories are where the transvestite's relationship is exclusively with a woman. They are often forced into crossdressing by that woman and also often end up serving her in various roles.

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Reluctant Press Cover Image
Price: $10.00
Availability: In Stock
Reluctant Press Item #: RP961 -

    "If the fourteen-year-old Jamie could see me now," Jamie said to himself as he looked at his reflected image.He was thin and clean-shaven and he was beginning to look like a woman. A shiver rolled down his spine. He saw a female figure taking shape before his very eyes - just as he had done all those years ago in his mother's bedroom. Only Nancy knew the truth: that the period of enforced dressing every day for eight days when he was fourteen, then meeting Oscar who had been convinced he was...

    Reluctant Press Cover Image
    Price: $9.00
    Availability: In Stock
    Reluctant Press Item #: RP948 -

      Teri was always dressed as a teenage girl, a girly-girl who loved lace and frills and silk and satin and heels and makeup and jewelry, especially earrings (although his earlobes were not pierced then), long hair, painted nails (top and bottom), arched brows, in short, anything and everything girly-girl.Charles liked Teri in a dress because it made their being together on a date look "normal", important to any boy that age.Teri, for his part, liked the attention of one of the most popular boys...

      Reluctant Press Cover Image
      Price: $10.00
      Availability: In Stock
      Reluctant Press Item #: RP947 -

        "Take off your shoes and socks. Put on a pair of these and we will bet started."I sat on the sofa and removed my sneakers and socks. After slipping on the pair of knee-high nylons, I stood up. Gladys placed a pair of black leather pumps with four-inch stiletto heels at my feet.'"Put those on and walk around a little," she commanded.I stepped into them and began walking unsteadily around the room. The shoes were a perfect fit, but I wasn't at all sure I was going to manage walking in them. Beth...

        Reluctant Press Cover Image
        Price: $9.00
        Availability: In Stock
        Reluctant Press Item #: RP939 -

          I suppose I started to become fascinated by Marc. It wasn't love, it was just a kind of a strong attraction to him - I could say an obsession, but it wasn't like that at all. I was just kind of, well, interested in him, really interested. It was partly because I felt sorry for him, partly because I wanted to know more about his crossdressing and partly, I don't know, I just liked the idea that he did shave all over; he was smoothed skinned! And he rubbed oils into his skin and moisturized and...

          Reluctant Press Cover Image
          Price: $10.00
          Availability: In Stock
          Reluctant Press Item #: RP938 -

            Eddie didn't know how to treat me when I came mincing in daintily, playing the queen meeting a john, in case there were prying eyes about us, or pricked-up ears. They should be convinced after my chatter asking him how he liked my new, curly hair and how I'd bought a new, pink lipstick just for him because he liked it so much, and how did he like my new eyelashes, that I'd curled just for him? I was going to be too much woman for him, I just knew it, I declared, as I shut the door. Eddy backed...

            Reluctant Press Cover Image
            Price: $9.00
            Availability: In Stock
            Reluctant Press Item #: RP936 -

              From Alexandria & Katherine as Kit remembers her now dead husband, who had been murdered "on the job"."Dammit Kit," the small detective sitting oh her desk exclaimed. "You just come right out with it, don't you?"The sight of this small man dressed in a girl's snug jeans, nylon pantyhose, dark pumps with three inch high heels, a white linen blouse with the shape of a ponytail behind his head, gold hoop earrings, red, red lipstick, mouth busily chewing gum and a wide leather belt around the slim...

              Reluctant Press Cover Image
              Price: $9.00
              Availability: In Stock
              Reluctant Press Item #: RP933 -

                I sat on the bed and started to explain about Megan, Olivia, and Mum, how I always liked their clothes and now that I had a flat on my own I liked to dress. Nisha's reaction was a world away from Katie's - she put her arm around me and stroked my back and listened to my tale and it somehow made us stronger.Nothing was said about it for a while but one time, when we were out for a meal together, I said, "Michaela may go shopping on Thursday.""Who's Michaela?" Nisha asked. "My female alter ego,"...

                Reluctant Press Cover Image
                Price: $10.00
                Availability: In Stock
                Reluctant Press Item #: RP932 -

                  Jimmy cringed. This was getting crazier and crazier. Photos? That was not what he wanted, proof of his existence as a girl. But it was his mother's birthday and saying no, was not possible. Before he realized it, they all had dragged him along to the studio where a photographer was busy with the cover girl. There was a majestic wedding dress awaiting him...."Aunty Ellen, is this all really necessary? Isn't Christine exaggerating? I don't need so many photos of me, nobody does."His mother had...

                  Reluctant Press Cover Image
                  Price: $9.00
                  Availability: In Stock
                  Reluctant Press Item #: RP930 -

                    One thing I never did was take advantage. I was careful, I was discreet and I tried to put things back where they came from but I was like a kid in a sweet shop. The first room I went into was Megan's. I opened up the wardrobe and looked at the lovely array of clothes and dresses, silky to the touch and multi-colored. Of course, there were plenty of neatly folded jeans and leggings but there were also skirts and dresses and even evening dresses. I spent ages just looking at her clothes. I just...

                    Price: $10.00
                    Availability: In Stock
                    Reluctant Press Item #: RP922 -

                      "Well, hello!" said Mr. G. I had made an appointment with him on Thursday of the first week of school. "What can I do for you?""Well, um, some people have been calling me a gay shemale." I said, "and I wonder if that's what I really am?""Hey, I would be aq bit surprised!" he said with a grin. "You've got the looks for a top-notch one, that's for sure!"Thank you," I said. I was wearing a tight peach-colored to with a neckline a tiny bit lower than I really thought ladylike, with a plain tan...

                      908 From Adam to Eve by Alex Miller mags inc, reluctant press, crossdressing stories, transvestite stories, feminine domination stories, sissy stories
                      Price: $10.00
                      Availability: In Stock
                      Reluctant Press Item #: RP908 -

                        "You are enjoying this aren't you? Why can't I keep on being dressed as a man when I think and feel like one? If you are right and I am Eve, she can wear her clothes when she is back. And for the record, you and Eve may forget about that 'thing'. It belongs to me and I'm not her.""Don't be a fool. You are Eve. You many not behave and think like her - yet - but you will at least be dressed like her. It's her body and you will treat it with respect. Which means woman's underwear. be glad I am...

                        905 Fraternity Boys by Lynn Brown mags inc, reluctant press, crossdressing stories, transvestite stories, feminine domination stories, sissy stories
                        Price: $10.00
                        Availability: In Stock
                        Reluctant Press Item #: RP905 -

                          As I stood up, I felt naked as the hem of the skirt fell halfway between my hips and knees. The tight taffeta uniform clung tightly across my body, particularly hugging my corseted cinched waist. The neck of the uniform was scooped. Allowing a fair amount of chest to be revealed. Between the corset putting pressure on my chest and the falsies being squeezed, I had been given artificial cleavage. There was a vast amount of stockinged legs peeking out from under the fancy petticoats and rumba...

                          903 Paradise for Fools by Susan Strange mags inc, reluctant press, crossdressing stories, transvestite stories, feminine domination stories, sissy stories
                          Price: $9.00
                          Availability: In Stock
                          Reluctant Press Item #: RP903 -

                            The rehearsals for the charity do started. Pearl and I go two nights a week as do Larisa and Sadie. Pearl and Larisa were were were usually together chatting away. What they were saying, I have no idea. Liz was working us like dogs doing the high kicks and all that for the can-can. SAdie seemed friendly with some of the other girls in the chorus line. Girls, I say; I was getting into the lingo, classing myself as one of the girls. Pearl slyly said, "It's time you came in your dress,...

                            901 Billie Legend by Charlotte Mayo mags inc, reluctant press, Charlotte Mayo, crossdressing stories, transvestite stories, feminine domination stories, sissy stories
                            Price: $10.00
                            Availability: In Stock
                            Reluctant Press Item #: RP901 -

                              "Billie, you were made to be a girl," I said. "You like it don't you?" "Of course I do" Billie said softly. "I"ve always loved it when you have made my face up but I have tried to resist it as I knew it was wrong." "It's not wrong, Billie." I said. "You're just transgendered, you are not harming anyone. It's OK Billie, it's OK. Viva la difference. Just enjoy the fact that you are a transvestite." I loved that word. Better than gender-bender or crossdresser or transgendered - transvestite was...

                              896 Lingering Feelings by Alex Miller mags inc, reluctant press, Alex Miller, crossdressing stories, transvestite stories, feminine domination stories, sissy stories
                              Price: $10.00
                              Availability: In Stock
                              Reluctant Press Item #: RP896 -

                                "I've noticed that your aversion to lingerie isn't as deep as it used to be. So this is my proposition. Just hear me out before you react." I braced myself for what was coming. But it still knocked me off my feet. "You wear lingerie that I give you." She laid her hand over my mouth, stopping me from going bonkers. I could not believe my ears. "You already are used to it. So that can't be the problem. You will write a report every day on how it feel, fits, and everything else you think about...

                                884 Womansville by Blind Ruth mags, inc, reluctant, press, blind ruth, transgender, crossdressing, transvestite, feminine, domination, crossdress, story, fiction
                                Price: $10.00
                                Availability: In Stock
                                Reluctant Press Item #: RP884 -

                                  Gayle, being a librarian, had access to many books on the subject of transvestism, which she had plenty of time to read and study. One such book, written by Dr. Vera burton, interested Gayle. In one chapter, Dr. Vera wrote about cases of young boys wearing their sister's clothes. On being discovered, often as not the child would receive punishment. It never seemed to deter them; in fact it typically encouraged the boy. Some looked on their mother as sho they would like to emulate in their...