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Rita plus The Two Dennys by Tiffany Mellis mags inc,  crossdressing stories, transvestite stories, female domination stories, sissy stories
Price: $9.00
Availability: In Stock
Mags Inc Item #: M254 -

    From Rita... They both cackled as I stood completely naked when Melanie got back to me. Then I stepped into the panties, and stood shivering although it wasn't cold as she fastened me into a bra. "I think that yellow satin with white lace looks nice on him - don't you think?" She asked as she fascinated me in. "Cute?" Rita sniffed from out of a magazine she had picked up. "Just make sure that you pad the bra cups pretty full!" "How come?" Melanie asked, curious. "Well nobody's going to take...

    Real Husbands Dont Cry by Tiffany Mellis mags inc,  crossdressing stories, transvestite stories, female domination story, sissy transformation stories
    Price: $9.00
    Availability: In Stock
    Mags Inc Item #: M272 -

      My wife of almost two years seemed to have undergone a massive change since I had left her that morning. She had always been sweet and coy. Reasonable and non-demanding in everything she did or said. But now there was an element that I had never seen before, a sense of confidence, almost as if she was looking down on me. Naturally, considering our actual positions, this was absolutely true, but it wasn't in this way that I meant it, it was as if she was starting to consider me as being...

      The Satin Collection by Stella Satin mags inc, crossdressing stories, transvestite stories, female domination stories, sissy maid stories
      Price: $9.00
      Availability: In Stock
      Mags Inc Item #: M258 -

        Life with a Princess: Mitson works for a domineering woman in all all woman office. She has sized him up as a potential sissy and therefore marriage material for her daughter, Princess. Mitson is soon being called Missy and his new wife starts changing his role and wardrobe. Missy would be a great name for an office girl, wouldn't it? Power, Power, Who's Got The Power?: A wife hires Mary to consult about her marriage and she hires to Rene take the husband in hand, changing him into a sweet,...

        All 6 She Made a Sweet She-Male Daughter-in-Law Stories by Janice Wildflower Gemini mags, inc, novelettes, crossdressing, transgender, transsexual, transvestite, feminine, domination, story, stories, fiction
        Price: $45.00
        Availability: In Stock
        Mags Inc Item #: M273-278 -

          All six She Made a Sweet Shemale Daughter-in-Law for only $56.00 and one book charge for shipping.

          She Made A Sweet She-Male Daughter-in-Law Part 1 by Janice Wildflower Gemini mags inc, crossdressing stories, transvestite stories, female domination story, sissy stories
          Price: $9.00
          Availability: In Stock
          Mags Inc Item #: M273 -

            Mona told me, "I certainly don't want to feel like I'm forcing you to wear a nightgown! I'm just trying to help you out within the confines that you put upon us." "Oh no Mona, please," I replied, being expertly manipulated again. I could only think to answer, "I actually like the nightgown - it's just hard to admit to a woman, or I wouldn't be wearing it. I just feel silly and embarrassed wearing it in front of you." My thought processes had really slowed and I was having trouble thinking my...

            She Made A Sweet She-Male Daughter-in-Law Part 2 by Janice Wildflower Gemini mags inc,  crossdressing stories, transvestite stories, female domination story, sissy maid stories
            Price: $9.00
            Availability: In Stock
            Mags Inc Item #: M274 -

              Mona kept me fairly busy most of that morning and kept finding reasons for me to walk and bend, which in heels would have been tiring in itself, but as I had to move pressing my thighs together, would have eventually exhausted me. However, since I was taped and that was holding me in, I did not have to exert the same effort as I might have otherwise. Mona had no idea I was taped in place and was betting that something would fall out and embarrass me and lead me to beg to exchange my pants for...

              She Made A Sweet She-Male Daughter-in-Law Part 3 by Janice Wildflower Gemini mags inc, novelettes, crossdressing stories, transvestite stories, female domination stories
              Price: $9.00
              Availability: In Stock
              Mags Inc Item #: M275 -

                As I lay on the examining table, the implants were inserted. When that was finished I was moved to a more comfortable operating table - actually more like a dental chair than a table. With the move I started to get quite dizzy and a bit nauseous, which subsided as soon as I sat down again. But it foreshadowed things to come, all well planned by Aunt Mona. My face was injected with the local anesthetic which was given time to work and then Doctor Michele begun to change my face. I felt no pain,...

                She Made A Sweet She-Male Daughter-in-Law Part 4 by Janice Wildflower Gemini mags inc, novelettes, crossdressing stories, transvestite stories, female domination, sissy maid stories
                Price: $9.00
                Availability: In Stock
                Mags Inc Item #: M276 -

                  Mona then looked at me and I know I had to answer. Although we had played this game before, with all the new feminine experiences of the day I was a bit in shock, especially after being told this was going to continue indefinitely. All I could manage was, "I don't know what to say..." But Mona finished for me, "You're just so appreciative and happy you are at a loss for words. How nice! Why I can see that you are almost crying you are so happy!" Then she came over and gave me a big hug and I ,...

                  She Made A Sweet She-Male Daughter-in-Law Part 5 by Janice Wildflower Gemini mags inc, novelettes, crossdressing stories, transvestite stories, female domination story
                  Price: $9.00
                  Availability: In Stock
                  Mags Inc Item #: M277 -

                    "Do you really want to remain a girl forever, under Mona's care and protection?" Mary asked. I almost did, I thought, it was such a sensual state. With Mary's recent go ahead, I was beginning to truly love everything about it, my new body, my clothes, my activities, my friends and most of all my safety and protection with few, if any, reservations. But Mary continued, "Because if you do, Mona's plans for the next step in your evolution will be the removal of this," she pointed down to my...

                    She Made A Sweet She-Male Daughter-in-Law Part 6 by Janice Wildflower Gemini mags inc, crossdressing stories, transgender, transsexual, transvestite stories, female domination story
                    Price: $9.00
                    Availability: In Stock
                    Mags Inc Item #: M278 -

                      As promised, Mrs. Hanover helped with my return to being a man ond once back to my natural or almost natural state, my girl self left the company and my boy self was given that job. I was presented as my own twin brother and no one was the least bit suspicious, or if they were, they said nothing. In any case either as a girl or a boy most of the staff were far happier with me than they had been with Robin. I "instantly" fell in love with Mary and we were soon married, destined to raise a...

                      mags Inc Novelette cover
                      Price: $9.00
                      Availability: In Stock
                      Mags Inc Item #: M279 -

                        A jolt went through me like an electric current. Did I just hear that? Was she asking me to buy a housekeeping uniform? She even mentioned a dress. I felt weak at the thought. She clearly understood that her words had made an extreme impression as she continued. "Before you react either positively or negatively, let me add this. Starting Monday you will be staying home, cleaning, cooking, doing laundry and all sorts of other mundane chores. Knowing you, you would have ended up in a skirt...

                        Caught Part 1 by Max Swyft mags inc,  crossdressing story, transvestite fiction, feminine domination story, sissy stories,
                        Price: $9.00
                        Availability: In Stock
                        Mags Inc Item #: M284 -

                          Clare was suppose to be at work. She caught me red-handed and red-faced. I was sitting up, leaning against the headboard. I had a pair of panties, the red silk ones. I'd retrieved them from the clothes hamper in the bathroom. She'd worn them the day before and they were redolent with her intimate womanly scent. The red silk panties were one of my favorite pair, the material a little thicker, the waist-band and legs trimmed in pink lace, the shape between that of a French cut and full cut. On...

                          Caught Part 2 by Max Swyft mags inc, novelettes, crossdressing stories, transvestite story , feminine domination story, Sissy
                          Price: $9.00
                          Availability: In Stock
                          Mags Inc Item #: M285 -

                            Shamefaced, I gathered the hem of my skirt in my manicured fingers and slowly raised it up my clean shaven legs. I couldn't look at them but my legs really did look convincing. The skirt came up like a curtain call, above the welts of my stockings which were secured to the garter snaps of the bodyshaper. I exposed smooth thighs and finally I held my skirt about my waist, my privates concealed in panties, framed in the open-bottom shaper. Clare came up beside me and I was powerless to stop her...

                            Caught Parts 1 and 2 by Max Swyft mags, inc, novelettes, crossdressing, transgender, transsexual, transvestite, feminine, domination, story, stories, fiction
                            Price: $17.00
                            Availability: In Stock
                            Mags Inc Item #: M284-M285 -

                              Purchase both Caught books for a discounted price!

                              MRS. BLAKELY by Kenneth Leigh mags inc, crossdressing stories, transgender, transsexual, transvestite stories, female domination
                              Price: $10.00
                              Availability: In Stock
                              Mags Inc Item #: M299 -

                                To explain, when we graduated high school and went away to college, there was no question about our living arrangements. We would live together. Period. Our parents weren't too thrilled about that arrangement, so to pacify them, we agreed to get married. Two weeks before the end of high school, Carolyn knelt before me one night at her parents' home and formally asked me to marry her. "Do the honor of becoming my wife," as she put it, then slipped a huge diamond onto my third...

                                RUSH TIME Collection by Bea mags, inc, novelettes, crossdressing, transgender, transsexual, transvestite, feminine, domination, story, stories, fiction
                                Price: $10.00
                                Availability: In Stock
                                Mags Inc Item #: M298 -

                                  From Rush Time: Instead of a cheap set of falsies, Terry, a nice affable blonde, took a great deal of care in checking my bra, made me take the bra off and then affixed the better grade of false breasts with adhesive. Then I was allowed to put my lingerie on, with her turning her back to provide me with some modesty. That gave me surprise number two - the lingerie was of a much nicer quality than I was used to.