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She Made Me a Shemale Wife eBook by Janice Wildflower Gemini mags inc, crossdressing stories, forced feminization, transgender stories, transvestite stories, feminine domination story, sissy maid stories, Janice Wildflower Gemini
Price: $7.00
Availability: In Stock
Mags Inc Item #: M471e -

    ...Janice was the expert in getting me to make big changes in little increments so I didn't even realize how much I had changed, how much I was acting as a girl would by the end of it until it was over and too late.And then of course I had to talk with Janice in front of Cookie like we did at the beach, like I was another girl. And then as Cookie continued to join in, I had to stay in my girlish mode. And then finally Janice told me, that I needed to drop my mannish mannerisms all together...

    She Made Me a Shemale Wife Part 2 eBook by Janice Wildflower Gemini mags inc, crossdressing stories, forced feminization, transgender stories, transvestite stories, feminine domination story, sissy maid stories, Janice Wildflower Gemini
    Price: $7.00
    Availability: In Stock
    Mags Inc Item #: M472e -

      Chapter XIV - Learning to Move Like a Female and to Wear MakeupSo there I was dressed from the skin out in nice woman's clothing, nice lingerie, a nice blouse and a nice pair of women's slacks and wearing high heel pumps. It was time for me to learn to walk and move like a woman and expand my use of makeup from just lipstick to other cosmetics. And Ms. M was going to be my instructress, and it appeared that she was going to take it seriously. I mean really seriously!So more hesitating and...

      She Made Her SheMale Wife Part 3 eBook by Janice Wildflower Gemini mags inc, eBooks, crossdressing stories, forced feminization, transgender stories, transvestite stories, feminine domination story, sissy maid stories, Janice Wildflower Gemini
      Price: $7.00
      Availability: In Stock
      Mags Inc Item #: M479e -

        Stripped down, I looked much like a young girl, thanks to the female hormones I had been forced to take and the figure changing garments I was forced to wear. To begin with, I had breasts, cute size A+ breasts with formed nipples and nice size areolas. Then the special panties and Janice's handiwork kept my testes inside of me and hidden. Further I had developed some shapely hips and a shapely butt. The binder that I wore day and night had slimmed my waist, slowly pushing in my ribs and...

        She Made Her SheMale Wife Part 4 eBook by Janice Wildflower Gemini mags inc, crossdressing stories, forced feminization, transgender stories, transvestite stories, feminine domination story, sissy maid stories, Janice Wildflower Gemini
        Price: $7.00
        Availability: In Stock
        Mags Inc Item #: M484e -

          And I asked myself if this exposure to my mom could get any more humiliating and I was hoping it would not, but I sort of knew it would.Of course Cookie suggested the speciality store and explained the store specialized in dressing boys up as girls and was the source of my cover-ups and my padding and that the women there were very accepting in helping boys find their girl selves, and seemed to enjoy doing so. Mom for some inexplicable reason to me couldn't wait to see the place and we were...

          Mags Inc Novelette cover
          Price: $8.00
          Availability: In Stock
          Mags Inc Item #: m531e -

            EIGHT ILLUSTRATIONS Maid Training, Female Domination, Gender Transformation

            Rich Bitch eBook by Tiffany Mellis mags, inc, crossdressing stories, transvestite stories, female domination, stories, Tiffany Mellis
            Price: $7.00
            Availability: In Stock
            Mags Inc Item #: M232e -

              One becomes used to just about anything. Beth was always servile enough to me but would grin just a little sardonically as if she'd send Frances - I mean Frank - off to do various things to show her domination over the guy. And what could I say as they gradually feminized the poor lad? His hair gradually became more girlish, then his nails. Then more makeup - and naturally earrings. I don't know who blushed the most, him or me, when he appeared in his first full maid uniform, apron and...

              Sister Act - The New Girl in the Family eBook by Tiffany Mellis mags inc, crossdressing stories, transvestite stories, female domination stories, sissy maid stories, Tiffany Mellis
              Price: $7.00
              Availability: In Stock
              Mags Inc Item #: M242e -

                I knew immediately that there was no sense in struggling. Knew that she was straonger than me. On top of that, I felt that I would show a disrespect for my new sister-in-law if I objected. Found myself slipping helplessly into her arms. "My turn! My turn!" Carol was saying and, still breathless, I was floated from Sylvia to Carol, very conscious of my woman's shape on the water as I transfered from one set of tanned arms to another, my own soft pale arms looking weak and womanish. My breasts...

                Slow Notion eBook by Tiffany Mellis mags, inc, crossdressing stories, transvestite stories, female domination, stories, Tiffany Mellis
                Price: $7.00
                Availability: In Stock
                Mags Inc Item #: M234e -

                  "So? I have a lot of brainwashing to get through to help you accept a lifestyle that I'm sure you're unaccustomed to - but I'm sure that you'll end up loving." "A lifestyle?" I gulped. "Of course! I like my boys to be all soft and sweet. Wearing pretty clothes. be undemanding - do as I want in other words." "I don't know as if I'd like that - not very much," I said, adding the last bit hastily. She had picked me up and was carrying me into her bedroom, talking as she went. "Of course you...

                  Utter Debasement eBook by Tiffany Mellis mags inc, novelettes, crossdressing stories, transgender, transsexual, transvestite stories, female domination, Tiffany Mellis
                  Price: $7.00
                  Availability: In Stock
                  Mags Inc Item #: M193e -

                    My heart lurched within me as I saw what she had draped over the back of a chair. Through time, I'd learned that what she dressed me in when she wanted me 'femme' was an indication of what was in store for me. Whites, pinks, neutral colors? She just wanted to punish me. The undies draped over the chair were midnight blue.. I was in some trouble, but they were not black, thank God.

                    Mags Inc Novelette cover
                    Price: $8.00
                    Availability: In Stock
                    Mags Inc Item #: m530e -

                      EIGHT ILLUSTRATIONS Maid Training, Female Domination, Gender Transformation

                      Mags Inc Cover
                      Price: $7.00
                      Availability: In Stock
                      Mags Inc Item #: m31e -

                        In the following days a routine developed between Michael/Karen and the two female doctors. In the morning either Sonya or Diane would come upstairs and help their charge get dressed. They would also provide him with reading material to study during the day. The material always covered some issue related to feminine behavior, deportment, make-up or dress. In the evening, one or both of the women would test him on what he had learned and advise the boy on how he might improve. In this way, over...

                        Mags Inc Cover
                        Price: $7.00
                        Availability: In Stock
                        Mags Inc Item #: m32e -

                          Our story continues.

                          Mags Inc Cover
                          Price: $7.00
                          Availability: In Stock
                          Mags Inc Item #: m33e -

                            Our exciting story continues to its conclusion

                            Reluctant Sissy & Compulsion eBook by Stella Satin mags inc, Reluctant press, crossdressing stories, transgender stories, transsexual stories, transvestite stories, female domination, Stella Satin
                            Price: $7.00
                            Availability: In Stock
                            Mags Inc Item #: M126e -

                              I realized she knew far more about my dealings than anyone and anyway? I didn't mind boasting a little about the scams I'd pulled and what I'd done with the money. Didn't tell her how much, naturally. I finished up by telling her what I'd heard on the radio. How I was stuck until the banks opened on Monday. She nodded. "Makes sense now. but there's an easy way to get to your bank without them catching you." "Wow! You sure are smart Emily!" I fawned. "What do you have in mind?" "It's going to...

                              Authority Figure eBook by Stella Satin mags inc, novelettes, crossdressing stories, transgender, transsexual, transvestite stories, female domination, Stella Satin
                              Price: $7.00
                              Availability: In Stock
                              Mags Inc Item #: M210e -

                                She thought for a moment. "I'm very complimented by this. At the same time? I'm not very sure if you understand what I want of you. Today would be a drop in the bucket. I'd expect..." "Please darling?" I interrupted. "I said it before and I meant it. I love you and want to make you happy!" (The fact that she was fondling me through the sheer materials of the nightdress and peignoir had absolutely nothing to do with what I'd just said - well maybe a little.) "Okay!" she said. On your own head...

                                Triangle eBook by Stella Satin mags, inc, crossdressing stories, transvestite stories, female domination, stories, Stella Satin
                                Price: $7.00
                                Availability: In Stock
                                Mags Inc Item #: M223e -

                                  Shades of my Mother catching me! The door to Debbie's room opens and Janice is ushered in by Mrs. Williams - to find me sitting on the edge of Debbie's bed, my face respondent in full makeup, debbie standing over me, a lipstick tube in her hand. "Oh hi Jan!" Debbie smiled a greeting at Janice. "I got so engrossed in doing this that I forgot you were coming over. Hod on a minute. I just want to finish putting Philip's lipstick on!" Then she gives me a playful cuff on the back of the head....

                                  Mags Inc is the last of the publishers dealing with the subjects of crossdressing, forced feminization, transgender and more. We have been in existence for over 25 years and now own many of the older lines once published by the likes of Reluctant Press, Empathy Press and many others. If you like this fiction, this is the place to come.