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When Kevin's father abandoned his mother, Kevin found himself thrown into a ghetto development, filled with drug pushers, pimps, and gangs, where everybody fought to survive. Harassed by a teenage gang he fled into the protection of Amy and the Ghetto Gals, who swore to protect him and help him to fit in at his new high school, where he hoped to prepare for college to please his Mom.

But the girls had another plan for their sissy boy...

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    "We did all we can for you, sweet cakes. You ain't no new boy, anymore, ya a ghetto gal, fer sure. It's like we promised you when ya joined the gang. We promised that you could have our protect until you lost your uppity smart ass boy ways and we helped ya to fit in with the rest of the gals here. We done it, so you're on your own, baby." Amy warned as she hald blacked my way so the others could go ahead.