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This is a crime story about a connected family, the Rossi’s. They’ve been connected for generations, but as new generations often do, the latest one wants a new life, out of the mob. Marco, the son, has agreed to turn state’s witness, but has to disappear in order to survive. He has experimented at becoming a woman for fun in the past, but now must live full time as Michelle.

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    Michelle was now home free. She was equipped with a car and the keys to the house. She could stay as long as she wanted. Just in case David had the house under 24 hour surveillance and an agent was never far from Michelle. 

    Michelle thrived in her new role. She felt free at last. The fact that she had to appear as Marco a few more times was considered only a minor inconvenience. She met Marco's lawyer from time to time and they soon started to date. The lawyer, Peter Dearborn, knew that Marco and Michelle were the same person but that was alright with him. He was in love and that was it.