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It starts as a lark, but quickly becomes addictive. The lure or women's clothing is a powerful one. When Marty first becomes "Mary", he couldn't possibly foresee where the journey might take him. And who could ever imagine that a man, a Senator no less, might fall for the "new girl" named Mary?

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    Wouldn't you know it but it wasn't five minutes before the phone started ringing. I nearly jumped out of my skin, watching through a haze as Stacy picked it up to say hello.

    "It's for you Mare," she handed me the phone

    "Hello," my feminine voice sounded a bit tinny. All that practice was paying off. Was this what I wanted?

    "Hi," his deep voice was rich and alive and caused my heart to flip. "I've missed you," I could almost taste his physical presence. "I hope you're planning on being at the dance Saturday. I hate looking for new partners, especially when I've found the one in my dreams," my eyes closed fearing he might be playing with me.

    Was this really happening to me?

    The pause seemed excruciating before I managed a response, "If you're there I'll probably see you," it sounded weak, feeling a desperate need to remain apart. Goose bumps were all over my arms and legs.

    Why was he calling me? Why couldn't he just forget the whole thing and let it die and allow this facet of my life to come to an uneventful end. I knew he had called and felt an obligation to make small talk. For a lawyer that should have been easy, but my whole system was under deep duress.