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Darren Walker had it all going for him; married to a beautiful woman, the expectancy of their first child, promotion at work and a new location. Then he was arrested and convicted of a crime he didn't convict. Sentenced to thirty years imprisonment, Darren discovers that jail can really change a man. In prison, is in the grips of forces he cannot control, forces that decree that he will be converted into a shemale.

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    As he finished speaking, he saw he change of expression come over Darren's face.

    "Yo got somethin about pitchin' in wid de work here? Dis ain't no holiday camp... but it's a damn sight easier than bein' in the main block, you know?"

    Oh no, it's not like that, I have nothing against doing my fair share," Darren quickly explained. "It's just that you referred to me as 'girl' I know that Jezebel prefers being referred to as that but... well, I'm a man..."

    "Tell me. I thought you were Greaves bitch? Ain't I right in believin' yoo's been a taker from both Greaves and Eddy Fisher? Fisher's friends have used you an' yoo's played around wid your last cell mate of your own free accord?"

    Darren's face turned scarlet. "No, er, it's not like that, not exactly."

    "Not like it exactly? But neverdaless, it's true? So, you are a taker an therefore, in here, you are regarded as one o' da girls. You can't class yourself in de male role, can you, or you'd be de one pumpin 'is load, not receivin' it?"

    "No, please..." Darren responded, shamed that he couldn't deny in all cases he had been the one to take the submissive role. His face colored bright red.

    "Dat's settled den, no more argument," the Baseman told him. "You take da role of a girl here and I rename all o' my girls so they fit der role. Now let's see..." he continued with a smile playing on his lips. "Yoo's gone so red dat I'll call you Poppy. Yoo's as red as a poppy is."