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Reluctant Press Book Cover

This is the story of Peter, an intern with Congressman Clark who has noticed him and his feminine appearance. He offers him a job as his "personal assistant" for evenings when his other one can't be available. The only stipulation? He must look, sound and act like a woman so as to not arouse suspicions about the congressman's sexuality. Eventually it leads to darker experiences.

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    From that very first day, Penny has assumed an ever growing prominence in my life. It's only on rare occasions that I as able to revert to Peter as I spend most of my evenings out as Penny, escorting Mr. Clark to his dinner parties and the such.

    I tried the nightgowns Veronica loaned to me to see if she was right, "You'll love this aspect of femininity." She was right. They feel great against my smooth skin and I shudder at knowing they caressed her body not too long ago. It feels so delicious getting into my nightgown when I prepare for bed, my smooth body luxuriating in the contact of the light weight material. I'll have a hard time giving it up. For that matter, letting hair invade my body doesn't sit right with me either.

    She thinks it's important to stay in character as much as possible if I'm ever to feel natural in my new role. Jumping up and back from male to female with only make it harder to find a comfortable level I can relax in.

    Because I play the Penny role so much of the time, it's getting ever harder to locate Peter when I do go looking for him. I eat, work and sleep as Penny and my work week never seems to end. An occasional Sunday off affords me the only opportunity, if I'm not seeing Veronica.

    The few times I've dressed as Peter and spent the day lounging around has been kind of strange, but I force myself to reestablish contact with him so he doesn't become extinct. Usually I dine out alone and take in a movie. Several times people have made comments, like calling me 'Miss', and holding doors open for me, but I refuse to acknowledge it.

    What did I expect?