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Josh is married to Doreen and they have a grown daughter, Doris, who lives with them. Josh has been less than successful and has slipped into emotionally abusive ways and Doreen has had enough. It starts out with her forcing him to take over the household chores. Who knows where it will lead from there?

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    When I went back into the dining room I knew immediately from the look that Doris flashed Doreen that she had been nowhere near as confident as she’d appeared. I cursed myself for buying the feminine apron to humiliate Doris that I now wore. The frilled, gauzy, full apron with the butterflies and orchids embossed.

    “I thought it over and felt that it was practical after all,” I mumbled. “Didn’t want to dirty my pants.”

    “And it looks very nice too dear!” Doreen said, straight faced.

    “Sure does mom.” Doris laughed. “Looks SO cute!”