Products 17-28 of 28
Availability: In Stock
Mags Inc
Item #: M188e -
At precisely 9, I entered the unlocked door of the room that Samantha had indicated to me earlier. It was dimly lit, only by several large candles that burned on metal chalices in the corners. A large black leather padded horse, similar to one used by gymnasts sat in the center of the room. It stood about 36" high and rested on chrome metal legs. There were two metal eye-bolts at the top of the horse protruding through the leather at the ends and several more trimming the legs - one every...
Availability: In Stock
Mags Inc
Item #: M189e -
From the moment Jim had driven away from Samantha's house, I couldn't stop thinking about him... I was finally starting to think that maybe I was meant to be a woman all along. The feelings that were overwhelming me now, had just been buried under so many men's suits and business tie's that I had forced myself to wear far too long.
Availability: In Stock
Mags Inc
Item #: M190e -
"Your skin is already softening young lady. It doesn't take long at this dosage! Do you feel warm at all?"I shook my head yes as best I could."It's just the effect of the hormones compounded with the heat of the laser that removed your body hair. It'll pass," he added. Then he pulled up my nightgown and tugged down my nylon panties. "These will begin shrinking rather rapidly after today. If you have trouble urinating we will have to install a catheter, but they are not much fun. But I think...
Availability: In Stock
Mags Inc
Item #: M186e -
They arrived at the shop just as it opened on a Saturday morning. BEa took her son straight to the young girl department and started to look around. She soon found something she liked and that might look good on Larry. She took the garments and dragged Larry into a fitting room to try them on. They were all a perfect fit. When Larry was asked to give a comment , he just mumbled something unintelligible. Bea decided to buy them all. "This will be a good start on your feminine wardrobe," she...
Availability: In Stock
Mags Inc
Item #: M184e -
I could have said I meant Sunday, but that would only delay facing what I had said and had meant to say to Patty. Sooner or later I would have to accept that I told Patty that we had a date to go to a concert on Sunday. Patty was a neat kind; bright, pretty, sexy, attractive, a good dresser, but no matter how you described her, she still had that thing that made her a boy. And where I was growing up thinking twice about someone like Patty was something you never woned up to, even to...
Availability: In Stock
Mags Inc
Item #: M183e -
It was going to be me being me. Period. I forced myself to being, not masquerading as a sexyu turn-on beauty, but simply being myself. A beautiful woman who didn't wet her panties at the sight of herself in a mirror. My getting hard-ons making myself feminine and making myself due to that was fetichistic. Women getting damp over their beauty were simply narcissists. A big difference. They didn't stop to escalate their moistness to the point of orgasm because of their attractiveness. A woman...
Availability: In Stock
Mags Inc
Item #: M182e -
I walked out the door and to the limo. The driver opened the door for me and I sat in. The ride was smooth and I soon started thinking about my situation. Here I was in a limo, far from home, transformed into a woman and on my way to a film studio. Suddenly I felt very vulnerable. What was I doing? What if something happened? I was made into a woman with artificial breasts, a gaff that looked just like a female front, a corset so tight around my waist that it hurt. And I knew no way to remove...
Availability: In Stock
Mags Inc
Item #: M176e -
It was ten of them that showed op on Sunday. Vivian met them at the door and took them straight to a huge lounge with several sofas and easy chairs. "Before we sit down," she said. "I suppose you would like to see our new girl, she is just waking up."She took them to a room next door. The room was dark and had a huge window. It overlooked the next room where 'Craig' was about to get out of bed. "If you look at her now you will see that a lot has changed since Friday," Vivian said. "Her skin...
Availability: In Stock
Mags Inc
Item #: M175e -
"I've never been in a really super place like this before. Am I doing things right?" Asked the nervous Jude."Of course you are, Judy love. I didn't mean to make you feel uncomfortable. I smiled because your movements are so naturally graceful, as if you've been living as a girl forever."Judy put her fork down and took her fist ever sip of decent Chardonnay."Maybe I have been, but I was fooling everyone into thinking I'm a boy, everyone including me, although I felt like an awful drip being a...
Availability: In Stock
Mags Inc
Item #: M174e -
For a supposed female impersonator show, it was largely a revival of burlesque; something that, by and large, died before he was born and, in his opinion, should have stayed dead. From seeing old performances regurgitated ad nauseum on television, as a child, while his parents liked them, Zach hated "pie-in-the-face" slapstick. Bur he saw the reason why it existed here. It took the edge off the main focus of the show: men dressed as women. Every performer was male. Even the "women" But the...
Availability: In Stock
Mags Inc
Item #: M169e -
The rest of the week Kim spent as a woman full time. She cleaned the house, did some shopping and just hung out at the mall. Every day she prepared dinner, something Alice really appreciated. On Friday afternoon Alice said, "Kim, tomorrow you will go through the ultimate test. Some girls from the other branches of the bank have come to town and they want to go out on the town tomorrow. I've volunteered to escort them and you will accompany us. You can dress up in the new red dress. We've...
Availability: In Stock
Mags Inc
Item #: M170e -
The girls said goodbye and gave Brian a light kiss on his cheek. It seemed that Eva's kiss lingered a little longer than the other two. Back on the street they stepped into Annie's car to drive back to the hotel to pick up the other two cars. While driving Annie suddenly turned to Kim and asked, "Kim, have you ever thought about cutting off that thing between your legs and become like Eva and me?""Yes the thought has occurred to me several times. I am in great doubt myself, some days I will,...