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Reluctant Press New Woman stories are where there is actually a sex change. The motivation may be the person's desire, or an outside influence. It can be forced or not.

Products 225-240 of 399
546 Trans-Love by eBook E. B. Stevenson and Stephanie Anne Bryant mags inc, reluctant press, transgender stories, crossdressing stories, transvestite stories, feminine domination stories, crossdress, Sally Wild
Price: $6.00
Availability: In Stock
Reluctant Press Item #: RP546e -

    "Is your name Jeff?" Amber asked. Man I thought, she can tell that I really am a boy. I thought I passed pretty well tonight."Yes it is." I said."I thought so," Amber said."What gave me away?" I asked. "the way you walk, the way you talk. How long have you been dressing as a girl?" Amber asked."Off and on for about five years now. My goal is to become a real girl. That is why I moved here, to start living the life I was meant to live," I said."That is so cool! How long have you been on...

    544 Werewoman eBook by Dee Dee Perri mags inc, reluctant press, transgender, crossdressing stories, transvestite stories, feminine domination stories, crossdress, story, fiction, Dee Dee Perri
    Price: $6.00
    Availability: In Stock
    Reluctant Press Item #: RP544e -

      He typed in were woman and waited for the search engine to do its thing. And has he waited he chewed on his problem, if he didn't find a cure, what then? Forstarters, life as he'd planned it went out the window, right? Hey honey, I'm home. What time's the moon rise tonight? Oh yeah, that'd be likely. Or what if he got pregnant, huh? Would he stay in that condition forever or maybe... that was too weird. He ran his hand over his belly and then jerked it away

      542 Women Alone eBook by Elaine Grace mags inc, reluctant press, transgender, crossdressing stories, transvestite stories, feminine domination stories, crossdress, story, fiction, Elaine Grace
      Price: $6.00
      Availability: In Stock
      Reluctant Press Item #: RP542e -

        This sadistic treatment, for males only, started with being placed prone on a treatment cot while wearing only a cotton sheet, except for a paper diaper over my privates. The sheet covered me from neck to toes. The attendant poured warm wax over me until I was covered with about an inch of the stuff. As the wax dried, I felt like it weighed a ton. Encased in my hard wax shell, moving any part of myself became impossible. When my wax shell cemented in place, I felt like a stranded turtle on its...

        Relucant Press Book Image
        Price: $6.00
        Availability: In Stock
        Reluctant Press Item #: RP536e -

          "Emma, what are those?" Roxanne said, pointing to the breasts."What do you think, silly, my breasts.""Your breasts? How did they come about?""You will have them too, pretty soon I would think. Mother helped the process by giving me female hormones, just after the last time you were here.""What do you mean, I will have them too?""Hasn't your mother explained all about the blocker hormones? Mother explained it all to me. I never liked being a boy anyway. But you didn't like being a girl, did...

          Relucant Press Book Image
          Price: $6.00
          Availability: In Stock
          Reluctant Press Item #: RP531e -

            After her lunch date with Robert, Kelly drove back to her apartment and decided to lie down and take a nap. She was tired but found it hard to drift off to sleep. Her mind was working overtime, running scenarios over in her mind what might happen that evening with Mr. Clark. She finally decided that she wanted Robert to be the first and only man she made love tih. She would respectfully reject Mr. Clark's advances, if any.

            Relucant Press Book Image
            Price: $6.00
            Availability: In Stock
            Reluctant Press Item #: RP528e -

              "Nice to see you again, Mark. Are you ready for your debut?""What do you mean by that?""Why Mark, don't you remember? Last night you really hurt Vera's chances for a career and you volunteered to take her place tonight.""What? I can't go out there in front of the crowd. No one wants to her a a guy sing, especially an untrained bass who doesn't know the words."..."I'm glad you could make it, not that you had any choice. The drugs never fail and the spells have set you up for your debut as my...

              Relucant Press Book Image
              Price: $6.00
              Availability: In Stock
              Reluctant Press Item #: RP527e -

                When I woke, I found I was wearing one of Trudi's nightgowns. I didn't remember putting it on, but when I had to go to the bathroom, I automatically grabbed the matching robe and slipped my feet into the high heel slippers.In the daylight, the mirrors didn't hold the fear they had when I was trapped by them the previous night. I went to the bathroom, then looked at my reflection in the mirror. There was still some makeup on my face that I hadn't gotten off the night before, so I completed the...

                Relucant Press Book Image
                Price: $6.00
                Availability: In Stock
                Reluctant Press Item #: RP513e -

                  Her enthusiasm wasn't wearing off on me. Maybe from her point of view it was entertaining, but I was the one it was happening to. "It didn't feel awesome. It was weird.""Of course it was weird," she argued. "What's not weird about having your body magically change so dramatically? But that doesn't mean it's a bad thing. I mean, aren't you even a little curious about just how far you can take this? Try on some more of my clothes?I had a heavy sense of foreboding about where she was going with...

                  511  Andala, Voodoo Princess eBook by Monica James mags inc, reluctant press, transgender, crossdressing stories, transvestite stories, feminine domination stories, crossdress, story, fiction, Monica James
                  Price: $6.00
                  Availability: In Stock
                  Reluctant Press Item #: RP511e -

                    " Did you say terms?" Cassandra asked, not wishing to argue her passion or lack of it. "Yes, good girl. You love your husband, I can tell. And you wish no harm to come to him. Actually, you came here tonight to protect him without knowing how that can be done. You have options." Her head swimming with doubt, Cassandra managed to keep herself together without running screaming into the night. "Name them, these options of yours." He moved closer and raised his hand. She shuddered as his...

                    509 WITNESS PROTECTION eBook by Deena Gomersall mags, inc, reluctant, press, transgender, crossdressing, transvestite, feminine, domination, crossdress, story, fiction
                    Price: $6.00
                    Availability: In Stock
                    Reluctant Press Item #: RP509e -

                      Waking the next morning wasn't quiet as strange for Daniel. After three days, he was slowly getting used to waking with the feel of large womanly breasts on his chest and the soft cool feeling of nylon around his body. He was still hard-pressed to get used to his much longer tapered finger nails and he stabbed himself in the eye twice when trying to rub sleep from them. It was a warm day and there were no plans to go out, so, in spite of his inner reluctance, he put on a skirt and sleeveless...

                      506 Venus Milk eBook by Dee Dee Perri mags inc, reluctant press, transgender, crossdressing stories, transvestite stories, feminine domination stories, crossdress, story, fiction, Dee Dee Perri
                      Price: $6.00
                      Availability: In Stock
                      Reluctant Press Item #: RP506e -

                        "I've been there, on that other Earth.""Oh my. What's it like?""You'll see." responded Eric as he checked his watch again, "in about eight minutes. That is if you're will to risk having the adventure of a lifetime.""Really?" the stunned man looked both expectant and worried. "Is it safe?""Safe? I've been across more times than I can count, Mr. Morgan, but safe? I mean we're talking about travel that literally can't be measured by any scale previously known.' He took Cass by the elbow and...

                        504 Lessons in Transsexual Acceptance eBook by E. B. Stevenson mags inc, reluctant press, transgender, crossdressing stories, transvestite stories, feminine domination stories, crossdress, story, fiction, E. B. Stevenson
                        Price: $6.00
                        Availability: In Stock
                        Reluctant Press Item #: RP504e -

                          "How did you two meet?" Cathy asked."It was just three months ago. Eirc was asked to be the judge of a sexul legs contest for crossdressere. I arrived just after he did, and I fell in love with him from first sight. The next thing I knew, we were getting to know each other. At the time he was living with his sister, Elizabeth. He know that he was in love with me, and within twenty-four hours of first laying eyes on each other, we made love. Elizabeth was a bit skeptical of our relationship at...

                          503 Put in Skirts, Hose & Heels Part 1 eBook by Blind Ruth mags inc, reluctant press, transgender, crossdressingstories, transvestite stories, feminine domination stories, crossdress, story, fiction
                          Price: $6.00
                          Availability: In Stock
                          Reluctant Press Item #: RP503e -

                            She knew there had been whispered talk of strange goings-on at the Crawford household, like the whisperings about Michelle being dressed at all those company fancy dressed balls. They whispered that Mike/Michelle looked to well-dressed for a man as a woman, surely Doris had a hand in the makeup and dress sense. Did she dress him at home? And what about thst son of hers? If she helped her husband, mange she would put her son into blouse and skirts. Doris heard the whispers but thought if it...

                            502 Delicate and Feminine eBook by Patricia Smith mags inc, reluctant press, transgender, crossdressing stories, transvestite stories, feminine domination stories, crossdress, story, fiction, Patricia Smith
                            Price: $6.00
                            Availability: In Stock
                            Reluctant Press Item #: RP502e -

                              "You heard Mom say that she wants you looking as beautiful as I can make you by the time she gets home, right?""Yeah I heard her say that.""Good. the first thing that I have to do is pluck your eyebrows. It's going to hurt some, but i doubt it'll be as painful as those shoes are, and the pain is short lived too. A few seconds after it's done and you won't feel it anymore."I knew that some girls still plucked their eyebrows. I saw girls in school like that. they were the prettier girls too....

                              498 The Stacy Nolan Collection eBook by Stacy Nolan mags inc, reluctant press, transgender, crossdressing stories, transvestite stories, feminine domination stories, crossdress, story, fiction, Stacy Nolan
                              Price: $6.00
                              Availability: In Stock
                              Reluctant Press Item #: RP498e -

                                In sheer desperation, I had threatened Aunt Beryl, told her that I would report her to the authorities for what she was trying to do to me. She just laughed in my face, told me to go ahead, they would be lieve what their eyes told them, that I was a little sissy, already more girl than boy. Besides, even if they did believe me, all they could do is take me into care, I couldn't go into care. Even Pemberton High School for Girls was preferable to that.

                                497 Working Girls eBook by Jennifer Nolan mags inc, reluctant press, transgender, crossdressing stories, transvestite stories, feminine domination stories, crossdress, story, fiction, Jennifer Lauren
                                Price: $6.00
                                Availability: In Stock
                                Reluctant Press Item #: RP497e -

                                  By the time they graduated from high school and were in college, the two decided to do something about their situation. They began to acquire female clothing, wigs and makeup.and joined a transgender group in Nashville. There they met others who also felt out of place and "lost" in their born gender. And the learned how to dress properly and how to apply makeup to create the woman they knew themselves to be.After some practise, Angela and Kelly began to go out in public with some of their TS...