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Reluctant Press New Woman stories are where there is actually a sex change. The motivation may be the person's desire, or an outside influence. It can be forced or not.

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Reluctant Press Book Cover
Price: $8.00
Availability: In Stock
Reluctant Press Item #: RP174e -

    "Sam, you can't really expect me to wear this to the dance?" I looked at her with indignation, sitting on the bed in only my girdle and bra. "Why not, it's Mom's dress and it's hardly ever been worn. And it's perfect for a square dance. Since I'll taking the man's part that leaves you with the ladies' and this is surely the easiest way to inform everybody that you're the lady. Remember the other men must recognize you as the lady if you expect them to swing you around and treat you like one."...

    Reluctant Press Book Cover
    Price: $6.00
    Availability: In Stock
    Reluctant Press Item #: RP172e -

      "Sir, ethics demands that I warn you about special properties of my dolls.""Ethics? Warn? Special properties?" Paul snorted. "What are you trying to do? Jack up the price?"The old man laughed softly, as if at some private joke. "No, not in the least, sir. Once the price is set, it's set. No more, no less. It's just that I think you will be happier with another doll - a boy's doll.""No I would not! I've already told you, I like this one!"The old man sighed in defeat. His customer was adamant...

      Price: $8.00
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      Availability: In Stock
      Reluctant Press Item #: RP171e -

        "He got mad. I started throwing things at him. I couldn't hit him and he kept teasing me. I guess I sort of wished he were a girl so he could understand what it is like to have a runt for a younger brother. I hit him with Grandma's old ring and suddenly he was surrounded by bright lights. When they left, he was a girl."And you, young man?" she asked me."I might have teased her, just a little, but she had it coming. Anyway she kept throwing things at me and missing. I caught Grandma's old ring...

        Price: $8.00
        Availability: In Stock
        Reluctant Press Item #: RP165e -

          "I just received a letter from Grace telling me that everything is going according to plan. She also suggests that we ought to consider making Dale laxative dependent. Then, all we have to do is stop giving him his laxative and viola! He soon does everything that we want. So, tonight we start making little Dale dependent. It shouldn't take more than a week and another two or three days to teach him just how dependent he is. By then, he will do and say whatever we tell him to. Judicious use of...

          Price: $8.00
          Availability: In Stock
          Reluctant Press Item #: RP163e -

            "Are you curious about what I did to you?" questioned Kara innocently."Yes Mistress," I answered."Good, I thought that would be your response, just as it has with al the other girls. Well, Drusilla, I had a bit more to do on you than your bondage sisters and took me an hour to complete. I did two major things to you. The first was relatively minor. I put some saline solution into your small breasts that will make them swell over the next few hours. The effect should give you realistic breasts...

            Price: $8.00
            Availability: In Stock
            Reluctant Press Item #: RP161e -

              The nearly silent messages continued to bombard Martin's subconscious throughout the day. Repeating without interruption no matter what he did, of how loudly other sound impinged on his conscious mind.Rather than continue an obviously fruitless job search, he immersed himself in vacuuming, polishing the kitchen's tile floor till it reflected like a well made mirror, then making the kitchen appliances shine with equal brilliance. Finished, he got a actual thrill of pleasure from surveying his...

              Price: $7.00
              Availability: In Stock
              Reluctant Press Item #: RP160e -

                "You know we started your change because you were incapable to support the house and because I wanted to go back to work and stop playing, unwillingly, the role of the perfect housewife. Then things went farther little by little until we reached a point of no return. I want you to know that I never meant to harm you in any way. In fact, I loved you very much when we started on this road and I love you now. The thing is my love for you has changed is quality. Before I loved you with a woman to...

                Price: $6.00
                Availability: In Stock
                Reluctant Press Item #: RP159e -

                  "But how? Why? How could she have done this to me?" Aaron could feel his eyes tearing up again. Mrs. Roberts brushed a few stands of blonde hair away from his cute face."I really don't think that it was intentional, darling," his mother said softly. "It was most likely the cause of the accident. You see, Susie has a kind of special ability, I suppose you could call it a talent.""A talent?""In the old days, she would have been called a witch...""My thoughts exactly, she's a witch!" Aaron...

                  Price: $8.00
                  Availability: In Stock
                  Reluctant Press Item #: RP158e -

                    I turned and looked in the mirror. My god! I looked just like Zoe. My eyebrows are too bushy. I took a mirror and tweezers and began to shape them.It was a while before Sandra returned. She carried a plastic bag which obviously had a flat box in it."You didn't tell me they were new, still in the box.""I didn't really remember. Georgio liked them and got them for me.""Who's talking now? Zoe?"No, I'm Dick. Do you like these?""Very pretty. But how did you know about them?""Silly. I told you that...

                    Price: $6.00
                    Availability: In Stock
                    Reluctant Press Item #: RP156e -

                      Outside I acted in every way as the perfect French maid. Just like the time when I first met Yvette, I looked to the outsider like a man in drag, but to me I was the perfect example of femininity and I exuded an aura of femininity. I did not want to behave in the way I did, but I could not resist.The computer programming affected a level below my consciousness, so I acted in response to its instructions in an instinctive way. By the time I realized I wanted to object, I had already done or...

                      Price: $8.00
                      Availability: In Stock
                      Reluctant Press Item #: RP151e -

                        "Both of you seem to be having a lively case of it, whatever it is." agreed Gina, reaching over to feel Chris' forehead with the back of her hand. "But you don't feel like you have a fever, and neither does Steve.""It sure hurts, though," Chris told the girls. "All the way to my toes and up to the top of my head, along with every thing in between those two places joining in.""Well, both of you seem to be changing physically," Jen looked at him carefully, from head to toe. "Maybe this is part...

                        Price: $8.00
                        Availability: In Stock
                        Reluctant Press Item #: RP148e -

                          From The Mirror... Who'd believe me anyway if I told my story? I'd end up being locked away in a pleasant home with nice people i white uniforms looking after me. Except that I'm not crazy and it's true! I was a man who'd become a woman! You believe me don't you? Well, I was!Still, I have to admit, Diane did the right thing by me. There was a bank account with a great deal of money in it, and she left securities and bonds and identification and other things for me, so that all I had to do was...

                          Price: $7.00
                          Availability: In Stock
                          Reluctant Press Item #: RP147e -

                            From Maid of Honor... "Okay,": I finally gave in. "If I can pass as a girl, I will do this for you." Becky gave me a great big hug. "I knew you would help me. You are my best friend." The next day Angel came back to the apartment. "I know that you have dressed as a girl from time to time to fool your landlady, or such; but passting yourself off as a woman full time is something else. It will not be all the easy for you to pass, but I know how we can arrange it so that no one will be able to...

                            Price: $8.00
                            Availability: In Stock
                            Reluctant Press Item #: RP145e -

                              From Ali Qapu..."And you are now to see the Golden One.""The Golden One?""We shall talk on the way," he observed leading the way towards a long colonnaded walk that bordered the edge of the garden and opened into a gateway guarded by an eunuch armed with a wide scimitar. The guard opened the gate and we followed into a marble hellway. "The Golden One is our absolute ruler. The first moment of your training is to begin. When we stop by a door you shall be required to enter alone. You will enter...

                              Price: $6.00
                              Availability: In Stock
                              Reluctant Press Item #: RP143e -

                                "Sandy, you must understand that we request all males to participate at these modeling sessions for several important reasons.""Number one. It helps to get the feel of the products you'll be marketing. And of course you realize that we're exclusively involved in feminine products.""Two, Participating intimately in these photography sessions will stimulate your mind and hopefully generate new ideas for improving the presentation of the products. That is once you've gotten over your...

                                Price: $8.00
                                Availability: In Stock
                                Reluctant Press Item #: RP128e -

                                  Chris looked blankly at her, hesitating as she held out the panties she had put out for him."Put these on, you little sissy, or I'll bloody your damned nose again." She threatened, raising her hand as if to strike him. He immediately opened the robe, took the panties and stepped into them, pulling the silken fabric up over his hips. He was so mortified at the development that he failed to notice how snugly the panties fit his plump bottom. Then, before he could react, Sara had reached around...